On Jan. 4-5, the Wyoming Association of Special Districts will host their first in-person Public Officer Training, followed by the association’s annual business meeting. As important topics during the meeting, WASD members will discuss the by-laws and training information, as well as hold elections and a member forum.
Registration for the meeting is available here: https://forms.gle/yMb6gKm15BW4ZZwL7
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Thursday, Jan. 4
1 p.m. Public Officer Training
Friday, Jan. 5
9 a.m. Introductions & Welcome
9:10 a.m. Officer Reports
10 a.m. National Association of Special Districts
11 a.m. Break
11:15 a.m. By-laws Discussion
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1 p.m. Membership/Training Access
1:30 p.m. Elections
1:45 p.m. Sponsor Information
2:30 p.m. Member Forum
3 p.m. Break
3:15 p.m. Member Forum
Please email wyspecialdistricts@gmail.com for more information or with questions. We look forward to seeing you next week!